Another week, another cowardly racist attack against our players.
The RLPA will continue to stand with our members (the players) in calling out social media abuse. We demand the game and leaders in positions of authority keep doing more to stop the disgraceful racism players regularly face.
We recognise that the game is standing with players on this issue and working to deal with the deplorable abuse. But we can still do more.
Jamal and Jack have shown great courage in calling out this weak behaviour.
We have a responsibility to the players and their families to relentlessly advocate for racism to be eradicated from rugby league.
This behaviour should never be considered acceptable in professional sport or anywhere in the community. Racist abuse must stop and the RLPA supports strong sanctions and penalties against perpetrators.
We also acknowledge that people are able to admit to the mistakes they have made and that there is an opportunity for them to learn, grow and become better members of the community.
Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players will never tolerate the abuse they are subjected to and the RLPA will continue to promote players speaking out against it.
All players stand united against all racism.